Can We Say It’s Bida? Raising Hands to Supplicate after the Obligatory Prayers
The practice of raising hands and making dua (supplication) after obligatory salah is a topic of scholarly discussion. The following narrations describe the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his Companions engaging in dua after salah. While there is no explicit authentic hadith requiring the raising of hands or congregational dua after every obligatory salah, most scholars view it as a permissible action based on general recommendations for supplication and inference based from numerous evidential hadiths. Some of these hadiths are listed below.
Muhammad ibn Abu Yahya said he saw Abdullah ibn Zubayr observing a man who was raising his hands and supplicating before he had completed his salah. When the man completed his salah, Abdullah in Zubayr said to him “Rasulullah would not raise his hands until he had completed his salah.” (Al Mu’jam Al Kabir 14912)
Nur al-Din al-Haythami and Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti said the narrators of this hadith are reliable. (Majma’ Al Zawa’id 10:310 & Fadd Al Wi’a p86) Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani classified this hadith as hasan. (Nata’ij Al Afkar 10:310) Many others have authenticated this hadith as well. It is apparent from this authenticated hadith that raising the hands for supplication after salah is allowed at the very least.
Mawlana Muhibbullah Shah Rashidi wrote an article in which he shows that congregational supplication after the obligatory salah is sunnah for the imam and the followers. He has used the above hadith, as well as other evidential narrations. (Malaqat Rashidiyyah 1:106–114)
Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani stated in his Bulugh Al Maram, that it was narrated by Umar “Whenever Allah’s Messenger raised his hands in supplication, he did not lower them till he wiped his face with them.” (Tirmidhi). It has supporting narrations such as the hadith of Ibn Abbas reported by Abu Da’ud and others. These narrations – considered as a group – warrant it being considered a hasan hadith. (Bulugh Al Maram 1345, Darussalam)
Additionally, Bukhari has reported with an authentic chain, from Abdullah in Umar and Abdullah ibn Zubayr, that they would wipe their hands over their faces after supplication. (Al Adab Al Mufrad 609)
The Prophet said Allah is munificent and generous, and is ashamed to turn away empty the hands of His servant when he raises them to Him. (Sunan Abi Dawud Book 8, Hadith 1483)
Lastly, Shaykh Zahoor Ahmad Al Husayni argued “It is clear from the aforementioned authentic hadith (referring to the hadith found in Al Mu’jam Al Kabir 14912) that raising the hands for supplication after the obligatory salah is the sunnah of Rasulullah, and it is also evidence for congregational supplication, as it cannot be imagined that Rasulullah raised his hands after leading the congregational salah, whilst the noble Sahabah, who were aware of the virtue of supplication after obligatory salah and had heard its reward from Rasulullah, did not join him. If anyone claims otherwise, then the burden of proof is upon them.” (The Salah of Rasulullah, translation by Muhammad Yasir Al Hanafi, Nasafi Publications p111)