Scientific Miracles in the Quran

👋 akhifollowme | Saj
2 min readOct 23, 2023


Recently, I read an article deconstructing the “Scientific Miracles in the Quran” argument. I found it short and to the point.

Though the article doesn’t really touch on this, in my opinion, one of the reasons the “scientific miracles” gained such popularity is partly to do with an inferiority complex, and a need to be accepted by the west which is somewhat deep seeded within the Muslim community. With scientism part and parcel of western philosophy, many unwittingly swallowed the “scientific miracles” argument as it was palatable and appealing to the western mindset. What seems to some almost a blasphemous thing to say, I am proud to say, the Quran is not a scientific book and does not pander to any biased mindset.

Another aspect of this type of argument, which few actually address, is how it lacks any real spiritual connection for those that speak or listen to it. It was usually conveyed in such a fashion as to say, ‘this is fact brother, you have to accept it’, with no regard to realize if any effort was made to actually comprehend what was being said. The enthusiasm for the argument does eventually fade away (at least in my case it did), and you’re left with simple facts and chapters & verses with no real substance.

The Quran addresses issues of doubt and unbelief and all of its arguments have stood the test of time in all their simplicity and complexity.

Take for example this verse in the Quran ‘Did you think We had created you in vain, and that you would not be brought back to Us?’ [23:115] The Arabic word ‘abathan’ in the text also means ‘for the sake of sport’. Then the verse will mean: Did you think that We had created you merely for the sake of sport and there was no purpose behind your creation? Therefore, you may eat, drink, be merry and enjoy yourself as you please. [Tahfeemul Quran] It invites the reader to think about his purpose on this earth and then asks to ponder the consequences of his actions. Such a question posed in the Quran, at the very least, makes one think of possible answers to it, and/or maybe engages with one’s moral and intellectual honesty.

Allah knows best.



👋 akhifollowme | Saj
👋 akhifollowme | Saj

Written by 👋 akhifollowme | Saj

💭 My public notes (mistakes will be made) . Mental health advocate & bookworm . Chartered Construction Manager

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